Chair – Cllr Debbie Dicker

Cllr. Debbie Dicker has served on the Parish Council since…

Cllr Phil Arnell

Cllr Arnell is a familiar face around the village having…

Cllr Terry Lockhart

Cllr Lockhart is also a member of Blackmore, Hook End…

Cllr David Potter

Cllr Potter is a long standing member of Doddinghurst Parish…

Cllr Diane Rogers-Harrison

Cllr Rogers-Harrison is a long-standing member of Doddinghurst Parish Council.…

Cllr Alan Smith

Cllr Alan Smith has been a long serving member of…

Cllr Gerry Smith

Cllr Gerry Smith is a long standing member of Doddinghurst…


