


The Parish Council has authorised the establishment of two committees to deal with detailed aspects of the Council’s activities, these are described in full in the attached document and are summarised as:

Planning (The Council is a Statutory Consultee on Building and Development planning matters)

Allotment: Allotment Garden oversight and tenancy arrangement including fees and leasing arrangements.

Full Council will oversee: Environmental, Play Areas, Burial Ground, Footpaths, Nature Trail, Budget, Precept, Governance, Staffing and Employment

The roles of Councillors are:

Debbie Dicker: Chairman of the Full Council; Planning and Allotment Committees;  Cheque Signatory; Member; Borough Council Local Strategic Partnership, Member; Brentwood Borough Parish Council Association, Member

David Potter : Cheque Signatory; Planning; Allotment.

Alan Smith: Planning.

Gerry Smith: Cheque Signatory; Youth Development; Highways; Transport; Police.

Phil Arnell: Allotment.

Diane Rogers-Harrison: Council member.

Terry Lockhart: Planning.

Constitution of Committees 2024