Doddinghurst Parish Council manages the burial ground for the Village which is situated to the North West of All Saints Church. The Church’s own burial grounds to the front and rear of the building are closed to new interments. The Burial Ground is managed as a “Lawned Cemetery” and the regulations relating to this type of Burial Ground are given below. The burial plots are double (depth) plots and the deed of grant is for 30 years.
Information about the Burial Ground a full plan and plot assignments can be found below, along with a Notice of Interment form to download.
Please note the fees and charges are revised annually from the 1st April. If, for any reason, the current financial year is not displayed please contact the office.
Following the meeting of the General Purpose Committee, held on 17th February 2014, it was agreed that a formal ashes lawn would be created to enable residents to be able to scatter human ashes. If you are interested in scattering ashes in this area please contact the Parish Office. The scattering of ashes is recorded but no fee applies. However if a memorial plaque is required they can be provided on the circular memoriam. Please contact the office for details and the fees payable.
Please note the Ashes Lawn is intended only for the scattering of human remains. The Burial Ground is not licensed by the Environmental Agency for scattering, or burial, of pet ashes in the burial ground.
Please note there is no connection whatsoever with Doddinghurst Funeral Services.
Procedure for Interment
- Notification of interment, burial or ashes, to be made directly to the Parish Office by either the Funeral Director or a member of the deceased’s family. This initial contact to then be followed up in writing using Doddinghurst Parish Council’s notice of interment form.
- Fees due will be confirmed and payment must accompany notice of interment.
- Plot number will be advised upon receipt of fees and interment notice. If the interment is to take place in an existing plot, which is not owner burial, then confirmation is required that instructions are issued by the Deed of Grant owner.
- For a new plot purchase the Deed of Grant owner’s details must be provided on the notice of interment along with their signature.
- No burial shall be permitted to take place without the correct documentation and receipt of fees.
Useful Burial Documents
- Notice of Interment
- Purchase of Exclusive Rights Privacy Notice
- Memorial Application Form
- Burial Ground Rules and Regulations