
General Purposes Committee Meeting Minutes 15th June 2022

General Purposes Meeting Minutes Uploaded on November 30, 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of Doddinghurst Parish Council General Purpose Committee held at 20.00 on the 15th June 2022 in the Parish Room, (adjacent Village Hall), Church Lane, Doddinghurst, Essex, CM15 0NJ

Present: Cllrs. Gerry Smith (Chairman), Julia Le Page, Phil Arnell and Roger McCheyne.
Also present: Mrs C. Fuller (Clerk/RFO)

1. Election of Chairman:
Cllr. G. Smith (proposed by Cllr. G.Smith, seconded by Cllr. D. Potter).
2. Apologies for absence: Cllr. T. Brooks.
3. Declaration of interests relating to items on the agenda: None declared.
4. Resolution: Minutes of the meeting held on 20th April 2022 were approved.
5. Public Participation: None present.
6. Information: Update on activities undertaken since 20th April 2022 meeting.
(i) Play Area: It was noted that the annual Rospa Inspection Report had been received and it had not been possible to inspect the cableway as it needs to be dismantled according to manufacturer’s instructions. The Clerk will liaise with Broadmead Leisure on
(ii) Burial Ground: Approx 56 headstones are loose in the ashes section and the Deputy Clerk is re-contacting a local stonemason for advice. The revised set of Burial Ground Rules is still being worked on. The grave owner who was asked to remove unauthorised decorations from a recently interred plot has been given permission to keep it as it is for now as he visits daily and tends the plot himself.
(iii) Trees: Prince Arboriculture Ltd will carry out their recommended tree works on 22nd June. They have been asked to cut back the branches of a tree which is interfering with the phone/broadband line into the Parish Office and will do this free of charge. Some works identified in the tree survey are on trees owned by the Village Hall or the Infant School. They will instruct Prince independently if required.
(iv) Ponds: Nothing to report.
(v) Grass Cutting: MD Landscapes continue to do a good job of cutting our grass every 2 weeks. They changed around their dates to ensure that the grass was in good order for the Jubilee event.
(vi) Footpaths: The NATS team to be informed about the footpath running along the back section of the burial ground which is very overgrown.
(vii) Small Car Park Surfacing: Since publishing the agenda, a further company had quoted for the work. It was agreed to make a recommendation to the full Council that the job be offered to Harrington Brothers. The Clerk to find out whether the work could be done in August if the job was awarded to them.
(vii) Open Spaces: Consideration was given to how to prevent horses and carts from racing in Budgens Field. The police need to be involved and maybe physical barriers will be required, provided they do not interfere with access for maintenance equipment.
7. Tree Survey:
Members noted that traditionally Prince Arboriculture Ltd have carried out a free annual tree survey and were asked to carry out works identified. Members agreed to give this procedure more consideration at the next meeting.
8. Cross Trainer:
The equipment had been removed as it was had presented a risk of injury, and was beyond economical repair. Cllr. Smith suggested that members should visit the playground in Mountnessing where there was other such equipment, to see whether any would be suitable for our Recreation Ground.
9. Information:
a) The Clerk suggested that the overgrowing brambles etc at the cemetery should be faced back to give more ground. Members will inspect and report back.
b) A 5-year plan for works and expenditure should be worked on for future budgeting.
The meeting closed at 20.40
Minutes signed: Date: 12th October 2022