Minutes of the Meeting of Doddinghurst Parish Council Planning Committee held at 19.30 on 30th June 2022 in the Parish Room, Adjacent Village Hall, Church Lane, Doddinghurst.
Present: Cllrs: D. Dicker (Chairman), D. Potter and A. Smith
1. Election of Chairman Resolved to elect Cllr. D. Dicker
2. Apologies for absence: Cllrs. R. McCheyne and M Capon
3. Declaration of Interests relating to items on the agenda: None
4. Resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 24th February 2022
5. Public Participation: None present
6. New Planning Applications
a) Application No. 22/00741/HHA
Development: Single storey rear extension to existing outbuilding. Alterations to fenestration, alterations to roof.
Address: Hillman Cottage, Days Lane, Doddinghurst
Resolved to make no comment
b) Application No. 22/00736/HHA
Development: Demolition of existing garage. Two storey side extension to include new garage and loft conversion with new dormer to front elevation. Single storey rear extension. Changes to fenestration.
Address: 21 Middle Green, Doddinghurst
Resolved to support the application subject to the boundary fence being maintained.
c) Application No. 22/00776/FUL
Development: Demolition of existing detached bungalow and construction of replacement bungalow including alteration to existing drive, replacement of existing hardstanding and planting of native hedging and trees.
Address: 75 Peartree Lane, Doddinghurst
Resolved to object to the application for the following reasons:
• Redevelopment in met green belt
• On the principle that better quality design is not an exceptional precedent for redevelopment.
If BBC were minded to grant consent, it needs to be conditional on removal of any permissible development rights afforded to the property to maintain the quality of the green belt and remove speculative overdevelopment of the property. Also, if BBC officers propose to approve the application, a request for a referral to the Planning Committee to be made.
7. Applications Pending Noted
8. Applications Decided Noted.
Members noted that revised Application No. 22/00208/FUL (One bungalow between Brooklands and 21 Rectory Chase) had been approved by BBC Planning Officers under delegated powers. The Clerk reported that a request for the matter to be referred to the Planning Committee had been made to the Borough Councillors, but that this had not happened. The Clerk was asked to write a letter of complaint to the Leader of BBC setting out the Parish Council’s frustrations with the lack of support from BBC in trying to represent and support the residents. The Clerk was also asked to write a letter to neighbouring residents, setting out the Parish Council’s position and actions taken.
9. Land in Trust
Cllr. Dicker proposed that the Committee considers the implications of setting up a charitable trust to protect land owned by the Parish Council from future development. Cllr. Potter will establish the Titles registered with the Land Registry. It was agreed that this matter requires more research and could possibly tie in with any future Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk will circulate a link to the website of Fields in Trust for further research.
10. Electoral Review
Members noted the summary provided by the Clerk and noted that a response to the Boundary Commission was required by 18th July.
Resolved to respond with no comment.
The meeting closed at 21.00