
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes 24th February 2022

Planning Committee Meeting Minutes Uploaded on September 8, 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of Doddinghurst Parish Council Planning Committee held at 19.30 on 24th February 2022 in the Parish Room, Adjacent Village Hall, Church Lane, Doddinghurst.

Present: Cllrs: D. Dicker (Chairman), M. Capon, D. Potter and A. Smith, and 6 members of the public.

  1. Apologies for absence: Cllr. R. McCheyne.
  2. Declaration of Interests relating to items on the agenda: None
  3. Public Participation:

    Members of the public were invited to speak for 3 minutes each and the following comments were made regarding Application No. 22/00208/FUL:


  1. Objection as this is Green Belt land. Once this is allowed it creates a precedent and further development may follow in the village.
  2. Access is unsuitable, narrow and via an unmade gravel path. A wall in the vicinity has been knocked down 3 times.  No turning space on the access way.  Unclear whether the access will be made up and adopted, but it will undoubtedly be damaged by the additional vehicle movements (domestic and construction).  Lorries are unable to use the access as it is too narrow, and rubbish for collection is left at the end of Rectory Chase for the refuse lorries.
  3. Loss of trees/screening.  No access to manage the trees at the rear of the development.  Area marked in blue at the rear of the development site would be put at risk, and plans do not relate to actuality.
  4. Drainage is currently poor and flooding occurs. A made-up road would exacerbate that.


  1. Planning Application No. 22/00208/FUL

Development:  Construction of 2 no. single storey 4 bed detached bungalows

Address:  Land between Brooklands and 21 Rectory Chase, Doddinghurst


Members discussed the application, addressing residents’ concerns where possible by

reference to the published planning documents, and asked questions of the residents, most

of whom lived in Rectory Chase.


Resolved:  To object to the application on the following grounds:


  • The loss of Metropolitan Green Belt land by creeping infringement.
  • The development does not sit within the village envelope or on a publicly maintained road and therefore we do not consider it to be infill.
  • Loss of trees protected by TPO’s.
  • Adverse effect on wildlife and ecology.
  • Access is via unmade, narrow track barely wide enough for a car and certainly too narrow for two to pass. Not suitable for refuse lorries.
  • Construction traffic will need to mount the pavement in order to turn into the access track; risk to people and property.
  • Refuse has to be left at the end of the track as the refuse lorry cannot access the existing properties, resulting in split bags and spilt rubbish.
  • Increased traffic in Rectory Chase, particularly during construction. Rectory Chase is already in a poor state of repair and there will be increased risk of damage to the road surface and residents’ cars.
  • Inadequate provision of surface water drainage for the track, lack of sustainable drainage provision and inadequate sewerage capacity.
  • As there is no information on how utilities will be provided, we object on the grounds of service capacity to support the development.


The Parish Council’s letter of objection will be shared with residents via email ahead of the response deadline.

Members advised residents on how to respond and how to apply to speak at the Brentwood Council Planning meeting if they wished.

Members discussed the need for the Parish Council to have a plan of where development would be acceptable, in light of Brentwood Council’s need to provide homes in the LDP.

They also wish to reinstate regular Planning Committee meetings of the Parish Council.     

The meeting closed at 20.30


