
General Purpose Committee Meeting Minutes 16th February 2022

General Purposes Meeting Minutes Uploaded on September 7, 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of Doddinghurst Parish Council General Purpose Committee held at 7.30 pm on the 16th February 2022 in the Parish Room, (adjacent Village Hall), Church Lane, Doddinghurst, Essex, CM150NJ

Present: Cllrs. Gerry Smith (Chairman), Julia Le Page and Diane Rogers-Harrison.
Also present: Mrs C. Fuller (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence. Cllrs. R. McCheyne and T. Brooks sent their apologies.
2. Declaration of interests relating to items on the agenda. None declared.
3. Resolution: To approve minutes of the meeting held on 14th October 2021. Minutes approved and signed.
4. Public Participation: None present.
5. Information: Update on activities undertaken since 14th October 2021 meeting.
(i) Play Area: Broadmead Leisure had removed the cross-trainer as it was a finger trap hazard and beyond economical repair. Members will look at other cross-trainers in the area and make a recommendation to the Council for its replacement. The Clerk to research supply companies. Some wear to the nets has been noted and is being monitored. The Clerk was asked to get moss/mud removed from the rungs on the steps of one piece of play equipment. Repair/replacement of the wetpour surfacing around the roundabout will be carried out when weather conditions allow.
(ii) Burial Ground: Approx 56 headstones are loose in the ashes section and consideration needs to be given to a solution. A revised, more detailed set of burial ground rules is being worked on and will be presented to future meeting for consideration. The resident who requested a memorial bench has been informed that one can be placed in the children’s play area, but no response to date.
(iii) Allotments: The Allotment Committee met on 9th February and plan to order a skip for allotment holders. It was noted that this would be paid for from the difference between income and expenditure during the year. Clerk and Deputy to consider allotments renewal date as it currently ‘straddles’ the financial year end/start.
(iv) Small Car Park: Three companies have been asked to provide quotes for resurfacing the area and one has responded so far. A photo of the adjacent highways strip of land has been forwarded to County Cllr. Lesley Wagland as agreed at the last Council meeting – to show its poor state of repair.
(v) Risk Assessments: All have now been completed
(vi) Trees: Two cherry trees have been planted in the recreation ground. The plaque dedicated to the long service of Alan Farrow will be installed shortly. Prince have been asked to carry out their annual tree survey and this will be done on 11th March. Alternative tree survey companies to be approached for next year.
(vii) Ponds: Quotes are being sought to replace the sign in Peartree Pond, however members decided to defer this for now.
It was noted that Peartree Field has a sign up stating ‘no sports’ but there was a seemingly organised (children’s) football match taking place earlier in the day and cars were parked at Middle Green. This needs to be monitored.
(Cllr. Arnell arrived at the meeting)
6. Resolution: Revised Memorial Bench Benches Policy and Application Form were circulated with the agenda. They were considered, revised, and approved.
7. Information:
a) The Clerk reported that she and Cllr. Capon met the owner of Kingfisher Farm and he walked them around the woodland. New fencing is being installed so that
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walkers can walk the perimeter of the land, but cannot walk across it. The landowner wishes to protect the woodland for wildlife and also use part of it for organised children’s outdoor activities. It was noted that there is no Public Right of Way on or around the Kingfisher Farm land but the landowner would be open to discussion on making this so. Cllr. Capon is liaising with Essex County Council on this.
b) A resident had reported that one of the four entrances from the back of the recreation ground into the land beyond (also owned by the Parish Council) is overgrown. Members agreed not to clear the area as it was not intended to be a formal access and had overgrown through lack of use.
8. Any Other Urgent Business strictly for information only:
The meeting closed at 20.30
Minutes signed: Date: 20th April 2022