
Allotment Committee Meeting Minutes 9th February 2022

Allotment Meeting Minutes Uploaded on September 7, 2022

Minutes of the Meeting of Doddinghurst Parish Council Allotment Committee

held at 13.30 on Wednesday 9th February 2022 in the Parish Office, Church Lane, Doddinghurst


Present: Cllr. Debbie Dicker (Chairman), Mrs. Marilyn Turner, Mrs Vally Veryard, Cllr Julia Le Page and

Mrs Claudine Burton.


  1. Apologies for absence:  Cllr Phil Arnell


  1. Declaration of interests in items arising on the agenda : None


  1. IResolved:  The minutes from the last meeting on 25th May 2021 were agreed and signed.


  1. Information: The Income and expenses were looked through for information.


  1. IResolved: It was agreed for the Renewal Fees to remain at £30 per half plot and £60 per full plot.  The income and expenses were looked through for information, and attached.


  1. IResolved: It was agreed that a skip should be arranged for the Spring of 2022.



  1. IResolution:  It was agreed that a new sign for the allotment plot was required and quotes should be sort.


  1. Information: Committee were advised there were 3 people currently on the waiting list.



  1. IResolved:  It was agreed the inspection visit would be carried out in June.  The deputy clerk is to send round possible dates.  It was also be asked of the allotment holders if they did want to have an allotment holder’s meeting or whether they would be happy to just submit any queries via email.


  1. Any other business:

One allotmenteer attended just to discuss the allotment security and asked the committee to send round a reminder to allotment holders about scrambling the lock when they are on site.


                                                            The meeting closed at 14.00






Signed:                                                                                                                   Dated:   8th March 2022